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Analysts & Consensus Estimates

Consensus Estimate

AB InBev is covered by various financial analysts and the consensus collection linked below was compiled from 2nd to 8th July 2024 from inputs submitted by some or all of the analysts listed below.

A company-compiled consensus estimate is published for information purposes only before each quarterly reporting period, based on the inputs of participating analysts who have submitted their financial projections. Consensus estimates are, by nature, forward looking and are therefore subject to risks and uncertainties which are subject to change at any time. Note that consensus estimates, including any kind of underlying projections or forecasts, are the analysts' own opinions and do not represent opinions, forecasts or predictions of AB InBev or its management. AB InBev has not verified, endorsed, influenced or commented on any of such consensus estimates, nor does it intend to do so in the future. In addition, the consensus methodology may change at any time. AB InBev assumes no liability whatsoever in connection with the accuracy, compilation, completeness or publication of consensus estimates and does not by its reference or distribution imply its endorsement of or concurrence with such information, conclusions or recommendations. AB InBev undertakes no obligation to update or revise such information. Nothing contained herein should be taken as a recommendation to buy or sell any securities or to take or refrain from taking any other action or to place any reliance on any of the information included in this consensus collection.

Please click here to download latest Consensus Estimates

Consensus Forecast Estimates(PRE-3Q23 RESULTS)

Download Pre-3Q23 Results

Equity Analyst Coverage

The following list includes analysts that regularly follow and publish on the company's performance. Please note that this list is not exhaustive.


  • Robert Jan Vos
  • Andrea Pistacchi
  • Laurence Whyatt
  • Trevor Stirling
  • Nik Faes
  • Simon Hales
  • Brett Cooper
  • Fernand de Boer
  • Robert Ottenstein
  • Gen Cross
  • Olivier Nicolai
  • Carlos Laboy
  • Reginald Watson
  • Anthony Geard
  • Ed Mundy
  • Celine Pannuti
  • Wim Hoste
  • Richard Withagen
  • Sarah Simon
  • James Edwardes Jones
  • Chris Pitcher
  • Rey Wium
  • Robert Moskow
  • Sanjeet Aujla


  • ABN Amro
  • BAML
  • Barclays
  • Bernstein
  • Bryan Garnier
  • Citi
  • Consumer Edge
  • Degroof Petercam
  • Evercore ISI
  • Exane
  • Goldman Sachs
  • HSBC
  • ING
  • Investec
  • Jefferies
  • JPMorgan Chase
  • KBC
  • Kepler Cheuvreux
  • Morgan Stanley
  • RBC
  • Redburn
  • SBG
  • TD Cowen
  • UBS